Sunday, May 01, 2005

Why am I awake at 3:32 in the morning?

Well, I fell asleep at 8 last night. So, I figured I'd gotten in a good 7 hours of sleep already. I dunno. Work has been driving me crazy lately. Dumb little things have been getting to me. I guess I've never been much for the small stuff of the world but sometimes the small stuff does add up. And I hate that I've been letting it get to me.
I'm getting to go home soon. That'a a huge thing! A month and a half or so I still have to wait, but it will be well worth it. I need a break from Alabama. Granted, I love the people that I have become friends with but I just can't seem to feel at home here. I miss home. Home, by the way is Maryland. I miss my family. Something just feels just feels so incomplete to me here in Alabama.
Well, I'm going to quit now so I don't depress anyone.

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